Roads & Interchanges

DEL Engineering has lead road engineering in Israel for more than 40 years. We provide public institutions, municipalities and private companies with urban and interurban road and interchange planning, with an eye to future upgrades and maintenance. We have expertise in
the following areas:
● Geometric design
● Traffic design
● Earthworks
● Hydrological and drainage design

Road planning has a major impact on the quality of life of the people who use the roads or live close to them, affecting everything from where they work and how long it takes them to commute to their access to recreational areas. Information such as traffic accidents, accessibility, congestion, and commute times are the foundation for road and interchange planning. Geometric design that takes both horizontal and vertical aspects into account is
critical for defining road objectives, the scope of traffic a road is expected to serve and the intended travel speed.

In Israel, both public companies and municipal authorities are responsible for transportation infrastructure and for ensuring that urban and interurban roads and interchanges are accessible, convenient, fast and safe. DEL works with both types of bodies and is dedicated to providing the very best road services to our customers.

DEL provides public institutions, municipalities and private companies with urban and interurban road and interchange planning, with an eye to future upgrades and maintenance.

DEL Engineering is available to institutions and authorities to connect the various planning disciplines